No need to fear...

The biggest fear and barrier I hear in regards to why not to tune in with your pet - is that we may not want to hear what they have to say about us.

I can say from experience it is better to know that not (as they are always loving (which can be both hard and healing to hear). I did not have a great relationship with my horse before I learnt to tune in as - lets just say "I did things in ways I would not today.".

We all start somewhere and to get a better relationship and connection with pet as well as ourselves - we need to take that first step.

it is true, with knowledge comes responsibility. However the cost of NOT knowing, far exceeds the discomfort that may arise from knowing.

It is also true that our pets are helping us to align with what we need to heal, be more present and empowered. They are as much here for us as they are for themselves.

So in order for them to be able to help us, we need to be able to hear them.

tuning in may mean we can stop bashing ourselves up with "what if's".

When we know our pets needs and wants (especially in regards to the big decisions) we can live in the peace we did as they wanted (rather than torturing ourselves with "if only's").

And no, tuning in does not mean we become their "slave" - negotiation is an important part of deepening relationships and connection.

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